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·魅力城市:漂在水上的江南名城——浙江绍兴  ·大量“空城”引起相关部门高度重视 井冈山、嘉兴赫然在列  ·盛极一时的家族村落:江西安义罗田古村  ·没有族称的部落——滇南莽人  ·云南地质奇观——乃古石林风景区  ·电影《叶问2》剧组齐聚郑州话功夫  ·“城市风采”CCN摄影月赛投稿开始 赶紧上传作品赢取大奖喽  ·大连童牛岭风景区  ·优秀影人:江西摄影家——左勇[2017.6.1--2017.6.30]  ·王家岭煤矿获救工人与亲人团聚并逐渐加大饮食摄入量  ·勿忘战争 祈盼和平——辽宁丹东鸭绿江中朝友谊桥和端桥(断桥)  ·我国沿海五大炮台之一——大连旅顺电岩炮台  ·跟着威廉走长城——BLACK YAK的“世界之旅”  ·商务部明确禁止可口可乐收购汇源  ·中国民间工艺——天津古文化街的民间剪纸  
CCN传媒图片网 www.ccnpic.com  责任编辑:孟波  

Bridge: Shanghai Lupu bridge Pudain Rd area – Huangpu River 
Catalog CN-260
 “The road up – and the road down is one – and the same.”
__________Heraclitus (540-480 BC)

Bridge images demonstrate traditional descriptions without words. Bridge definition - the cognitive environment for city masses - Bridge landscape photography, which be reasonably accepted by viewers as intended to be more than just face value, so external information is not lacking within images specified details – means of conveying bridge and landscape image implications.

Robert Le Johnno  July 2013
Notice right usage terms – catalog CN 260 Public domain & open source.

 (CCN传媒图片网 孟波)

(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)

电 话:52837246
